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Partnering with Dr. Miriam through your financial donation enables her to dedicate more time to ministering the Word of God through the ChristianStressManagement.com blog, apps, videos, podcasts, and  social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

You can give any amount of money from $1 to $1,000.

Our gifts to thank you for partnering with us this month include:

Health War Room Prayer Strategy Printables

This Health War Room Prayer Strategy Printables contains the following documents that you can print out:

1. Christian Spiritual Warfare War Room Worksheet outlines the activities you need to do on a daily, weekly and monthly basis so that you can fight for your health effectively.

2. Health and Healing Bible Reading Plan is a compilation of the healing miracles in the Bible which will help you have effective healing Bible study sessions.

3. My Health Prayer Journal will help you have a more effective prayer time when praying for your health.

4. Healing Bible Verse Stickers contains awesome Scriptures you can say as prayers for healing, meditate on as your healing Christian meditations and proclaim as your healing Christian affirmations. You can print them out and hang on the walls of your prayer room for quick reference.

* Goal Setting Worksheets

This file contains a printable goal setting worksheet, a printable daily action plan worksheet, a printable monthly goal planning worksheet and printable motivational goal setting quotes from the Bible that you can print out to help you achieve your goals.

* Praying the Names of God Printable

This PDF file contains 12 names of God with their meaning that you can print to make bookmarks for your Bible so that you can refer to them during your prayer time.

* War Room Prayer Strategy Printable

This PDF file contains the steps of an effective War Room Prayer Strategy that can help you win your spiritual battles. Print it out and hang it on the wall of your War Room so that you can refer to it during your prayer time.

* Printable Prayer Journal

This Prayer Journal has helped me have a more organized and productive prayer. It contains the following 36 letter size (8.5’ x 11’) pages to help you achieve your prayer goals:

* Bible reading plan page

* Scripture insights page

* Prayer preparation pages

* Different prayer items for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday

* Bible verses to pray since the Sword of the spirit is the world of God. (Ephesians 6:17)

* Scripture writing pages

* Gratitude pages

* Answered prayer pages

* Vision board page

* Scripture art stickers

* The Moses Deliverance Ebook

The Moses Deliverance ebook is based on an Exodus Bible Study which teaches you about this special type of release from problems. 

* 10 Life Lessons from Prophet Elijah and the Poor Widow Ebook

10 Life Lessons from Prophet Elijah and the Poor Widow ebook is a Bible study from 1 Kings 17 which teaches you how to receive your miracles from God.

* Christian Spiritual Vitamins Printable

Christian Spiritual Vitamins is a set of biblical principles from Romans chapter 12 that will help you improve your spiritual, mental and physical health as well as live a life that pleases God.

These vitamins for spiritual health have been designed in rectangles that are the size of a business card (3.5’’ by 2’’) so that you can print them out and carry them in your wallet for easy reference. For optimum results take one spiritual vitamin each day.

Thank you for supporting this Christian ministry with your precious gift and expect God to give back to you a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and overflowing. (Luke 6:38)

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